Posts tagged Sugar Balance
Are Fruit Sugars Bad for You?

Are fruit sugars bad for you? You’ve probably seen a whole bunch of conflicting posts on social media and beyond about SUGAR and its effects (or lack there of). You’ve probably also seen some people saying that even fruit sugars are bad, and certain diets banning fruit for fear of calories, sugar, high carbohydrate contents, and more. With all of this conflicting info, it almost feels like eating strawberries and a banana for breakfast is the same as eating cake for breakfast! BUT, don’t worry, I got ya, and I'm ready to shed some light on this confusing subject!

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Is Frozen Yogurt Healthier Than Ice Cream? Well, Not Really.

Swirl with caution! There’s a long held belief that frozen yogurt is better for you than ice cream, and why wouldn’t there be? After all, whenever you head into a fro-yo shop you’re bombarded with signs saying ‘sugar-free’, ‘low fat’, and ‘loaded with probiotics for gut health’. But are these claims actually true, and is frozen yogurt healthier than ice cream? In this post I’ll get into the details surrounding the ice-cream vs froyo debate (no, frozen yogurt is not always low-sugar or sugar-free) and the dangers of frozen yogurt to your health.

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Does Sugar Withdrawal Exist? (and How to Know if You Have It)

Eating less sugar is a total win. It improves your skin, helps prevent weight gain, lowers the risk of diabetes, and much more. The problem is, cutting sugar out of your diet is easier said than done (especially without the right tools). Maybe you’ve tried to go cold turkey, but ended with horrible groggy side effects… otherwise known as sugar withdrawal. Yes, sugar withdrawal is a real thing, and in today’s post we’ll be going into all of the signs, steps, and effects of sugar withdrawal AND how you can prevent and relieve them.

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Am I Addicted to Sugar? 8 Ways to Know If You’re a Sugar Addict + How to Stop It

Sugar cravings… we all get that horrible, obsessive feeling in those moments when it’s like you can’t live without picking one of those cookies, unwrapping a few candies, or getting that slice of cake out of the fridge, and you think to yourself, “am I addicted to sugar”? Well, trust me, you’re not alone, and that’s why I’ve put together 8 simple signs to help you find out whether or not those cravings are in fact sugar addiction, as well as a free download to help you crush those cravings. You got this.

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