How To Focus On Wellness & Cope with Stress and Fear While Navigating Coronavirus (COVID-19)



We're in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic thanks to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and for many of us (most of us) feelings of uncertainty, changes in routine, and looming health concerns and worries about our loved ones are wreaking havoc on both our mental and physical health - and we don't even know when we can see our friends/family again. SO, I've put together a head-to-toe guide on the best strategies to protect our health (through strong immunity and lung health) as well as our mental health (through meditation and practical steps) to help you get through it all!

How To Focus On Wellness & Cope with Stress and Fear While Navigating Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In This Post:

Hey friends I hope you’re safe and well in these challenging and uncharted times.

We’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic for the history books, with cities and even entire countries completely shutting down, governments giving lockdown instructions for their citizens to stay at home and self-isolate, as well as practice daily social distancing… and I'm not going to sugar coat it: no one can judge you for feeling isolated, super anxious, stressed, and even fearful.   

We as humans tend to fear the unknown: ‘the state of unfamiliar, not within the range of our knowledge, experience or understanding’; and that my friend is exactly the place we all find ourselves at. As American film-maker M. Night Shyamalan says, “Fear is the unknown.”

Our reaction as a species is either to pretend nothing’s happening [think: those Spring breakers], or, to go into full blown stress mode - especially when we feel we can’t get the simplest of supplies that we’re used to, panic buying sets in, and the shelves empty-- (and heck we’re evening fighting for toilet paper-yikes!). More importantly, the dread of the possibility of getting, at any time, the awful news about one or more of our nearest and dearest succumbing to the coronavirus, and living with the ‘what if’ every time we have the feeling of a tickle in our throat, or a cough that triggers our greatest fears. These worries way heavily on everyone’s minds.

I have a 71-year-old uncle with a pre-existing condition and an older neighbor I’m close with who has diabetes, and I'm scared to heck for their wellbeing. Of course older people, especially those with underlying health condition, are at a higher risk of severe sickness, but this is still really scary for younger adults with underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, lung disease, or heart disease.

With 40% of U.S. hospitalized coronavirus patients being aged at 20 to 54 you begin to doubt whether anyone is exempt from this silent menace.

And with this, fears about COVID-19 can take a serious emotional toll: feelings of powerlessness and profound gut-wrenching anxiousness, which in turn play havoc on our normal daily habits and behavior, especially those that are good for us.  

We start making bad decisions for our wellness, both mentally and physically with bad food choices, comfort eating, lack of movement, chronic stress and so on.

All of us are watching the headlines and wondering to ourselves, “What is going to happen next, what do I do?”

Listen up though and trust me when I say you’re not powerless. Instead, let's look at this from a different perspective...

What if I give you an alternative quote to the one I started with from M. Night Shyamalan says, “Fear is the unknown”, and changed it to:

“Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of all possibilities.” Deepak Chopra

I say this not flippantly or lightly; I know that there are dear souls that have lost their life to this disease, but I want you to step into your power, not to be defensive, but proactive.

For those of you who haven’t focused on your mind, body, health, stress care and wellness needs, I dearly want you to see this virus as your golden opportunity to make yourself, your needs and your health a priority.

And no, that doesn’t mean that you have to give up your favorite ice-cream, or a night-out with a few drinks and some incredibly indulgent food; it simply means tweaking your choices to help your body become stronger & more energized than you could ever have imagined.

And for those of you who do make wellness your priority, then how about using this time to audit your current habits and behaviors and see if some sneaky negative attitudes and patterns have crept in. I have to say, that the area I see the most for this is underlining stress, over scheduling, being overly driven, and not setting healthy boundaries-- not just for people in your life- but versus yourself.

We all have to remember that we have a choice on how we’re going to react to everything that happens to us in life.

Whether they’re tiny little decisions like what breakfast will I eat, to the more challenging choices like should I stay in touch with this ‘toxic’ friend?

We can choose to feel disempowered, or we can choose to take this moment to work on our mental resilience, in tandem with dietary and lifestyle tweaks to support your health and well-being and replace the insomnia, headaches, flare-ups, aches, pains, inflammation, tension in the shoulders, fatigue, tummy troubles and endless other agitations and nags with vibrant health and energy.

And here’s the thing.

If you are in a country, or a town, city, or state, where you’ve been told to self-isolate it’s very likely you’re going to feel cut off from the world, and that’s okay, it’s perfectly natural, but again, you have to ask yourself: do I want to everything going around me swallow me up, or do I want to turn this into an opportunity to move myself forward to tweak, or create, the life I truly desire?

Let me share a secret with you about how doable this is, even in the hardest of circumstances.

Very few people know this about me, not because I’m ashamed or embarrassed about it, but because so passionately live in the now (something I’ve taught myself to do!), but I actually lived in practical self-isolation for more than six years.


Yep, you read that correctly! I lived with only seeing my family, venturing out for food shopping, and that’s it, for more than six years. You see in 2008 we got hit by the global financial crash, and we went from being worth 3.2 million dollars to living on a ‘budget’ of $25 a day for seven people.

It’s a story for another time, although if you’re interested you can read a little more about it on my about page, but the essential point was that we were so poor that we couldn’t afford to put gas in the car, let alone go out and do family things.

We literally were anchored to our little house with its faulty plumbing, mold, damp floors, no air-conditioning, and half-functioning bathroom (I’ll leave that one to your imagination!).

The point is that we made a choice to not let this define and instead use it as an opportunity to work on our relationships with each other, to learn to cook and make healthy foods with what little we had, and choose life- not bitterness, regret, anger and frustration. I’m not saying that at times we didn’t experience fear, uncertainty, gut-wrenching stress and shed tears, but we choose to honor those feelings: feel them and accept them, and finally move through them. 

We chose to become like the reed plant that moves with the wind, it doesn’t resist the wind, it simply moves with it, and the wind doesn’t break it.

I share this with you to inspire you that you always the power, as long as you let yourself accept it and believe it.

Of course I don’t have all the answers about this awful pandemic, there are a whole lot of facts we still don’t have about this virus, and as individuals we are limited to what we can do on the world scene to change things, but I do know that surrendering to stress and disempowering belief will only plunge you into more darkness, break down your immunity more, just when you need to it the most.  

So, instead, remember we’re all in this together, and together we’re stronger.

Try to let go of what defined you before, shed those expectations, and attempt to move mentally through the changes to your routine, not as unsettling, helpless making or overwhelming, but through the eyes of opportunity, of change, and transformation to something better. 

Let’s use this tragedy to focus on preventative care and our immune health, boosting our overall health and wellness, and taking an active role in our health and longevity- sound good?! Perfect!

With that in mind, in this blog post I’m going to set out all the resources and steps I believe you should take to support yourself and others around you, to help you navigate and steer a course through the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.

Because coronavirus (COVID-19) is a viral infection, (meaning that it’s spread by such things as coughing, sneezing, kissing, contact with contaminated surfaces, food, and water) specifically, I’ll cover the most important ways to support and boost your immune system health, and deploy meticulous hygiene because that my friend is your first line of defense.

This includes the importance of mindset, body therapies, along with what I believe are the most important foods, supplements, and lifestyle habits to incorporate into your daily routine to support a healthy immune system and a healthy response to stress.

I’ll share a clear process and strategy to neutralize negative stress and build mental resilience that you can start implementing today. For those of you who have been incorporating healthy lifestyle practices you may well be throwing your wellness out the window in this time of panic with stress eating and other bad habits, so this aspect will really help you.

I can’t emphasize enough how important making your health number one priority for life - not just for this scenario - because viruses by their nature tend to mutate, so building a strong immune system to defend yourself if you contract one so you won't even display any symptoms should be your goal.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness so first, I want to give you a little context as to why it’s critically important for you strengthen your respiratory system.

Your respiratory system includes the nose, throat, windpipe and lungs. Your lungs are especially vulnerable because they are an organ which is directly connected to the outside environment that you are in. 

It makes sense then that you should do everything you can to look after and protect them, and that’s why I have included how to protect your lungs specifically in this post as well.

As far as prevention goes, currently there is no cure for COVID-19, but one thing we do know is that just like other viral infections, practicing proper hygiene and bolstering your immune system are essential to safeguard your health.

The place to start doing that is within our own kitchens, so if you’ve never cooked before this is the perfect time to empower yourself, and those you care about and start.

It’s fun, it’s grounding, helps with anxiety and stress, and creates connections: all-in-all it’s a powerful healing activity to do together with your family. And at the end, you get to enjoy delicious healing food! 

In this blog post then I’m going in-depth to cover the most important dietary and lifestyle ways to support your immune system health and overall wellness right now, that will provide you with some clarity, mental help and support that actually fit your unique personality and strengths, whether you’re just getting started, or need some tweaks and extra inspiration.

I’ve laid out doable steps, with the goal of making creating an environment where you actually feel like wellness is pleasurable, not a chore, with the result that you gain a strong immune system to safeguard you so that if you do contract the virus you won't  display any symptoms.

Again, let me underscore the point, that there are many things you can still do to manage your health, and anxiety-- even in the face of this crazy and unique crisis, and not just for now but the future.

Now let’s do this.

While there is still a large air of mystery surrounding COVID-19, there is still one thing we know for sure, as I mentioned earlier-- like other viral infections, boosting your immune system is still essential to help with safeguarding your health if you get the coronavirus, and research shows that a severe lack of key vitamins and nutrients is linked to an increased risk of death as seen from multiple coronavirus causes.

Here’s the why.

A substantial number of deaths from COVID-19 appear to have been caused by septic shock (this is very common with infections like pneumonia/influenza), caused by the trigger of sepsis- where your body overreacts to an infection releases chemicals into your bloodstream to fight it off that then sets off toxic inflammation throughout the body.

There are two key points to note here (and some really good news).

First, those of us who have compromised (think: conditions like diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, have a pacemaker) or weakened (think: smokers, are overweight, high-blood pressure, work with harmful substances like dust and chemicals, eat a high processed, sugar, and junk food diet) immune systems are more at risk and vulnerable to the virus, so if exposed to COVID-19 are simply statistically more likely to get extreme symptoms and even pass away from them, but, here’s the incredible thing- and the really optimistic news:

the use of using via intravenous drip (IV) vitamin C with hydrocortisone and thiamine (vitamin B1) drastically improves your chances of survival if you do get it.

And no, this isn’t wishful thinking, not only does research prove it [1. 2] As you read this, Northwell Health New York state’s largest hospital system have now adopted this treatment, because, as reported in an interview with Dr. Andrew G. Weber, a pulmonologist and critical-care specialist affiliated with Northwell Health in the New York Post, March 24, 2020:

“The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C,' he said. 'It helps a tremendous amount, but it is not highlighted because it's not a sexy drug”

This is because vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as an antiviral drug, actually killing viruses. In other words, think of it mopping up free radicals (unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing illness and aging).

So, before I continue, I want you to make an important note of this so that if you or a loved one needs to go to hospital you can ask for it. Also, get familiar and educated with sepsis, so that again you know, or someone standing in for you, can demand this easy, inexpensive, powerfully effective treatment: [Sepsis Treatment Protocol by Dr. Paul Marik]

Let me repeat again:

Watch this interview with Dr. Marik, and then share it with family and friends. It can save lives.

Which brings me to my second key point.

Even those of you who don’t as far as you know have an underlying immune system issue (diabetic, heart disease, cancer etc. and remember they make up 6 in 10 Americans) but know that you are in some way weakening it through your poor choice of diet, smoking, and so on, you are still seriously putting yourself at risk.

Here’s some context. The current data shows that:

o   Obesity increases the risk of death almost 3 fold.

o   Up to 40% of the hospitalizations in 20 to 54-year olds, and most of those are obese and overweight.  

Scary right?

But again, I go back to the evidence that strengthening your immune and respiratory system (which is in your power to do starting now) and taking care of your health can help prevent you from this going down this road and experiencing this suffering.

The lesson here is that nutrition is a key step in both safeguarding and protecting you from the severity of COVID-19 if you get it, with the aim of showing of you showing no symptoms at all, or, just being able to convalesce at home without ever having to go near a hospital.

A very interesting article from ‘Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases’, proposes that certain nutraceuticals, meaning: food containing health-giving additives and having medicinal benefit, may actually be help to ease or relieve people infected with viruses like coronavirus and influenza (bear in mind that the CDC reported the USA alone in 2017-2018 flu season had an estimated 61,000 flu linked deaths and according to the World Health Organization up to 650,000 deaths occur each year globally as a result of influenza).

Research suggests that these foods boost IFNS and help create antiviral antibodies to fight off viral infections. (IFNS are a large subgroup of interferon proteins that help regulate the activity of the immune system, and fight viruses on our behalf).

So let’s walk ourselves back through what this all means.

Although COVID-19 can be over 60 times more lethal than your usual annual flu aka influenza, both the flu and coronavirus can trigger an inflammation storm in your lungs and this is exactly what can lead to organ stress, acute respiratory distress, and sadly even death.

Eating a diet of food containing powerful health-giving additives (with those amazing added medicinal benefits) does help to:

o   Offer some protection and reduce your risk of igniting an inflammatory storm within the lungs caused by COVID-19 and flu viruses, and,

o   If you do unfortunately progress to a more severe case, your body will be more likely to successfully create the powerful antiviral antibodies to fight off the viral infection.

So now we have established that you can eat your way to helping your body’s natural gatekeeper and protectors, you’re probably asking yourself what nutrition specifically are the experts suggesting you add to your diet.

Let’s take a look.

Mark McCarty, from Catalytic Longevity Foundation, and James DiNicolantonio, from PharmD, co-wrote an article in the ‘Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases’, outlining nutrients which are most accessible to us as the public, that we can find in our local shops or online, in supplement form that may be particularly beneficial when fighting against COVID-19.

Supports "effective function and proliferation of various immune cells," lowering mortality in the elderly by 27%”. As a side note, I personally keep zinc lozenges on hand the moment I have a sore throat as a part of my natural remedy kit. You can find powerful sources of zinc in oatmeal, tofu, cashews, sunflower seeds, peanuts, lentils, and chickpeas.

Just take extra care and due diligence in checking the right dose for your age, gender and pregnancy status when taking zinc supplements.

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 30 to 50 mg

Reduces severity of influenza infection and lowers influenza mortality in animal studies. In a human trial, spirulina significantly lowered the viral load in patients with HIV infection.

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that contains a number of nutrients, including B vitamins, beta-carotene, and vitamin E.

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 15 grams

"Since selenium is an essential cofactor for certain peroxidases, and selenium deficiency has been endemic in certain regions of China and other parts of the world, insuring adequacy of selenium nutrition might also be appropriate in this context," McCarty and DiNicolantonio note.

"Selenium deficiency also increases the rate at which viruses can mutate, promoting the evolution of strains that are more pathogenic and capable of evading immune surveillance."

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 50 to 100 micrograms (mcg)

A fast, inexpensive, ultra-healthy, and super effective and efficient plant source for selenium is to simply eat one Brazil nut a day which provides for more than 100% of your daily needs.

Encourages glutathione production, thins mucus, lowers your chances of influenza infection and reduces your risk of developing severe bronchitis.

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 1,200 to 1,800 mg

However, if you suffer from bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease, avoid this supplement because it can slow blood clotting.

Known to shorten influenza duration by two to four days and reduce the severity of the flu. According to the authors:

"Given that elderberry is a very rich source of anthocyanins, there is reason to suspect that its impact on viruses might be mediated, at least in part, by ferulic acid, a prominent metabolite that appears in plasma following anthocyanin ingestion."

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 600 to 1,500 mg

This extract is what I personally grab the moment I get that ‘uh -oh, I’m coming down with something’ feeling, so at the very first sign of illness, chills, sniffles, just a general feeling of being unwell because it extremely potent.

Reduces severity of influenza infection severity and lowers influenza mortality in animal studies.

Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber found naturally cereal grains, yeast, and certain mushrooms like maitake, shiitake, and reishi mushrooms, as well as sold in supplement form.

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 250 to 500 mg

Upregulates mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS), reduces severity of influenza infection severity and lowers influenza mortality in animal studies.

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 3,000 mg or more

Note that Glucosamine supplements should not be taken with the blood-thinning drug Coumadin (warfarin) as it may increase its effects and cause bruising and serious bleeding.

Helps boost type 1 interferon response, meaning it helps fight off viral infections by neutralizing harmful compounds. It also works to recycle "used" antioxidants, including vitamin C, ideal for combating COVID-19 and flu viruses.

In its nutritional form you will find it in Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, peas, brewer's yeast, potato, yams, carrots, rice bran, and organ meats.

The provisional daily dosage suggestions offered by McCarty and DiNicolantonio: 1,200 to 1,800 mg (in place of ferulic acid)

It should be taken on an empty stomach for best absorption.

Helps boost type 1 interferon response. A 2005 study [32] in ‘The Journal of Infectious Diseases’ also found resveratrol has the power to inhibit the replication of influenza A virus, significantly improving survival in influenza-infected mice.

If you want more details about each nutritional supplement shared by McCarty and DiNicolantonio, click here to see the full-text paper published in Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, and of course ask a doctor before taking anything.

I’ve already mentioned in this post the use of Vitamin C as an antiviral drug in relation to treating critically ill patients with the coronavirus, as well as sepsis, but it should be added to your prevention kit as well.

It acts as a powerful antioxidant, it also acts as a cofactor for enzymatic processes and many enzymes within your body that require cofactors to function properly, which in turn helps your body fight the virus.

[Want to read more about its prevention and treatment of viral illnesses? click here: Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Website (3)]  

Vitamin C is naturally found in all plant foods, but especially oranges, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, melons, and strawberries.

So let’s start with this vitamin in context to helping critically ill COVID-19 patients’ right now, impressed with the results of a doctor in South Korea (he adopted giving patients 100,000 IUs of vitamin D and 20 to 24 grams of vitamin C by IV which resulted in the virus-infected patients getting well in a matter of days.

This was taken up by former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chief Dr. Tom Frieden, you can read his article here. [4] As he puts it:

“Higher COVID-19 mortality rates among older people and those with chronic conditions suggest that a weakened immune system contributes to poor outcomes. There are many crackpot claims about miracle cures floating around, but the science supports the possibility – although not the proof – that Vitamin D may strengthen the immune system, particularly of people whose Vitamin D levels are low.

Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of respiratory infection, regulates cytokine production and can limit the risk of other viruses such as influenza. A respiratory infection can result in cytokine storms – a vicious cycle in which our inflammatory cells damage organs throughout the body – which increase mortality for those with COVID-19. Adequate Vitamin D may potentially provide some modest protection for vulnerable populations.

This is especially important for people who are Vitamin D deficient – and, surprisingly, that might include more than 40 percent of US adults. People who live in the northern part of the U.S. are at greater risk of deficiency.

Right now, we don’t know if Vitamin D deficiency plays any role in the severity of COVID-19. But given the high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in this country, it is safe to recommend that people get the proper daily dosage of Vitamin D.

Most people’s bodies manufacture Vitamin D in the skin when exposed to the sun.

About 15 minutes a day of direct sunlight is sufficient for many people’s bodies to manufacture enough Vitamin D; people with darker skin need longer exposure to sunlight to manufacture the same amount.”

There is plenty of evidentiary research, even going back to the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic, and recently according to research published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society [6] it was found that elderly patients who had high doses of the 'sunshine vitamin' were 40 per cent less likely to develop lung infections.

Interestingly the British Medical Journal showed how people who had optimal vitamin D levels and who took vitamin D during the winter had lower rates of flu than people who received flu vaccines.

Those who are deficient in vitamin D are 11 times more likely to get a cold or flu.

And here’s an incredible statistic: supplementing your Vitamin D so that you get the required amount for your body type and you’ll reduce your chances of getting sick by a whopping 42%.

So the advice here is where possible get 15 minutes a day naturally from the sun year-round, and here’s the important part, without any sunscreens for better absorption (and delaying showering to maximize absorption).

Where you can’t manage this - say climate, you’re on lock down etc. take a supplement-- how much you take will depend on various factors, the best idea is to take a test (but not at the hospital right now). For a healthy range you should maintain a healthy blood level of it between 60 ng/mL to 80 ng/mL year-round, the lowest is 40ng/mL.

You can get a home test kit, and when things are back to normal you can ask for your doctor to prescribe you the 25-hydroxy vitamin D test.

For everything you need to know check out GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute [4].

Remember, food nutrition where we came in on as well, although it's difficult to maintain optimal vitamin D levels from food sources, it is found in some foods, including:

o   Sardines

o   Wild-caught Alaskan salmon

o   Beef liver

o   Organic pastured egg yolks

o   Cheese

o   Grass-fed butter

Firstly, let’s just go over what they are. They are a form of good bacteria (also known as live and active cultures) found naturally in food that are non-digestible and do the job of helping grow the powerfully beneficial bacteria needed within your gut, and are essential for regulating inflammation.

Here’s the point to take note of. If you’re suffering from chronic diseases, pre-diabetes, being over-weight, obesity, eating a high-processed, junk food, high in sugar diet, then it’s inevitable you have inflamed gut bacteria.

As 60% of our immune system is in our gut you can see why that’s bad news.

Prebiotics essentially have been shown to dramatically increase immune tolerance, and they specifically suppress pathogens (virus, bacterium, or other microorganism that can cause disease) keeping your body balanced and ready to fight a virus.

Point to note, if you or a loved one is admitted to hospital depending on your course treatment, you’re likely to be given antibiotics. Antibiotics kill the natural wall lining of your gut, which in turn hurts your immune system leading to toxicity, so it’s critical to as soon as you, or they, are able, take a powerful prebiotic.

You will also find these immune-boosting properties in the following foods:

Grass-fed sheep, cow, or coconut yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, natto, kimchi, pickles Dandelion greens, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, artichokes, bananas, apples, konjac root (try shirataki noodles), cocoa, burdock root, flax seeds, jicama root, and seaweed.

Research on Quercetin has given huge hope in its ability as a clinical treatment for SARS coronavirus infections. Just like other nutritional preventative and immune system supportive foods and supplements specifically listed here, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, neutralizing and mopping up the virus.

Food sources of quercetin include teas, onions, apples, buckwheat.

I wanted to share this specific nutrient with you, not only because I swear by it for its part in healing me with a chronic hormone imbalance, but because of some interesting research that came out of such a sad and horrible event, that of September 11 terrorist attacks.

Essentially, first responders to the scene were exposed to a toxic 10 million tons of material as the twin towers fell apart. To help them with the aftermath of this (both mental and physical) the World Trade Center Health Program was launched.

72,000 were enrolled and sadly 8,000 have been diagnosed with cancer. [7] Research was undertaken to ascertain whether there were any specific factors that would make a portion of those first responders more likely, or less likely to succumb to cancer.

I won’t get to tecky, you can take a read if you want to learn more, but researchers from New York University School of Medicine found that they were more likely to suffer from lung injury if they were overweight or obese; they also found that omega-3 provides precursors to help shut down excessive inflammation in the lungs.

This is important for us in thinking about shielding and boosting our defenses of our lungs against Coronavirus.

Plant-based sources of omega-3 include flaxseed, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and chia seeds. I personally use a coffee grinder each morning and grind a mix of chia and flaxseed which I take with water. It’s done wonders for balancing my hormones, skin, and joints, as well as being a defense against these horrible viruses.

When it comes to animal sources, be careful to choose carefully, checking the quality, (mercury has been found in poorly sourced fish) select wild-caught Alaskan salmon, mackerel, anchovies and herring.

In supplement form krill oil is best rather than fish oil because it’s most effectively digested giving the most amount of benefit, plus it’s the most stable, meaning by the point you get to take it-- the journey from the source to your mouth will be the least effected.

Omega-3 is so important that I urge you to add a home test to your to-do-list to measure the amount of omega-3 in your red blood cells-- maintaining optimal levels of omega-3 is critical to your health. Period. As with the Vitamin D test the independent research organization GrassrootsHealth can provide you with resources on what you need to know.

As with all supplements, it's important to consult your health-care provider before using spirulina to discuss whether it's appropriate for you and whether it can be taken in combination with other medications and/ or supplements.

Now we’ve looked at the most up to date information on how to protect and boost your immune system health, I want to just give you a fast run down on your lung health.

I know that I have gone into some detail and context about why it’s critically important for you strengthen your respiratory system (think: nose, throat, windpipe and lungs).

Your lungs are especially vulnerable because they are an organ which is directly connected to the outside environment that you are in, so that anything you breathe in can affect them, including germs, tobacco smoke (as well as second hand smoke) and harmful substances like dust and chemicals.

It makes sense then that you should do everything you can to look after and protect them, and that’s why I have included them in this post.

I’ve already mentioned the power you do have to help protect them in referencing the research about the 9-11 responders and the effect of being overweight, and diet choice of a diet rich in Omega-3.

I mention this because as data is coming out about Covid-19, it turns out that already the first study is showing dirty air increases risk of respiratory problems that can be fatal for coronavirus patients [8]. Here’s a reference if you want to the read more about it: Air pollution linked to far higher Covid-19 death rates.

Take action to look after your lungs in the following ways:

o   Stop smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.

o   Avoid indoor and outdoor air pollution.

o   Exercise regularly. You don’t have to go crazy. See below for more information.

o   Eat a healthy, balanced diet, especially high in omega-3 fats.

o   Maintain a healthy weight. Plan to lose weight immediately if you’re not. 

In short, even if you live in a more polluted area you can take protective measure that work. Be inspired, take actions, and think of those first responders.

Taking serious daily precautions in terms of cleaning and hygiene, is crucial at any time, but especially in a time like this. Coronavirus has been shown to spread quickly and far mainly through respiratory droplets from sneezing, talking, coughing and so on, and those droplets can land anywhere: doorknob, faucet, countertops, or towel that has the virus on it and then touching your face with that hand.

The good news is that soap, it turns out, is remarkably effective at breaking down and destroying SARS-CoV-2.

Hygiene Rules:

o   Wash your hands often. To do this lather them up with the soap for 20 seconds and then rinse and scrub under the water for at least another 20 seconds. Especially after going to the bathroom; preparing food, or handling dishes; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

o   When you leave the house make a mental note not to touch your face, hair again until you’ve sanitized them.

o   If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. There are some natural, chemical-free options from companies like Dr. Bronners and Seventh Generation.

o   Be vigilant and mindful with your habits, particularly: when coming into contact with gasoline pumps, shopping carts, credit card machines, touch screens, door handles, light switches, and elevator buttons.

o   The moment you get home thoroughly wash your hands, be careful not to touch the tap.

o   The moment you get home thoroughly wash your hands, be careful not to touch the tap.

o   Change your clothes when you get home.

o   Taking your shoes off at the door.

o   Everything you touched outside like your phone or wallet be sure to sanitize (and don’t forget your drink cup!).

o   Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

o   Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

o   Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a disinfectant spray.

o   Wash body and hand towels frequently.

Sleep is critical to your protection from the Coronavirus, as well as critical to you crushing the symptoms and getting over it fast if you do actually contract it. This is because sleep goes hand-in-hand with your immune function.

In other words, lack of sleep dramatically weakens your immune system.

Not getting enough sleep [those who sleep less than six hours a night], and poor quality sleep, has actually been clinically shown to increase your chances of catching colds and the flu.

It was shown that you are four times more likely to get a cold than adults who slept more than seven hours.

Lack of sleep has also been linked to all chronic diseases from-- heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hormone imbalance, dementia, to radically shortening your lifespan, even to your everyday mood and decision making. 

Even a single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your ability to think clearly the next day.

The other problem that you can run in to is that if you been exposed to the coronavirus, flu, or a cold pathogen, you can start to feel run down as it attacks your immune system, which, in turn can affect your sleep. The same is true if you get really sick resulting in disrupted sleep because you’re really feeling poorly, or have a blocked nose affecting your breathing, or a consistent cough and so on.

This is why learning both how to set up your best sleep conditions, plus tips on how to tackle sleeplessness is a key element in protecting your health.

My Favorite Top 6 Sleep Tips

1. Lower the Room Temperature:

The optimal room temperature for sleep is quite cool, between 60 to 68 degrees, so if you can don’t let the temperature in your bedroom go over 70 degrees.

2. Use Your Bed Sleeping Only

It’s a rule that my parents strictly brought me up with and I’m really grateful they did-- no televisions or computers in any bedroom- EVER! As it turns out research show that it drastically improves the ability to both go to sleep, and the quality of that sleep.

Also, don’t eat, play online games, or work in your bed. It impedes your ability to relax and switch off because you associate bed with those type of stressors. Instead you want to make it your sanctuary.

3. Sleep Like A Vampire!

Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as possible, because any light at all can disrupt your internal clock and your sleep hormones, if necessary us a well-fitting sleep mask, bandana, or like me a light cotton t-shirt!   

4. No Phones Next To Your Bed

Be sure to move all electrical devices away from your bed, at least 3 feet, including your cellphone either shut it down or put it in airplane mode, and if you must have it on, put it as far away as possible from where you’re sleeping.

5. Avoid Eating and Drinking Sugar + Junk Foods

Sugar and junky processed foods should be restricted in general for beneficial health reasons but they definitely should be avoided three hours before bedtime because it pumps up your blood sugar, makes you feel overly heated and uncomfortable during sleep time, and gives you acid reflux (heads up: I can attest to all of side effects, because I’m partial to a late night Netflix show, or movie, coupled with cheese, potatoes chips, and a bowl of my favorite ice-cream!).

6. Get Moving

Studies show that exercising regularly drastically improves both your ability to fall asleep and the quality of it. So get some activity in at least 5 days a week, literally there’s no excuse to move in some way-- whether it’s a 20-minute walk, choosing a workout from YouTube, dancing around for 15-20 mins, the gym, gardening, yoga, cleaning the house, just plan to move in some way every day.

And What to Do If You Can’t Sleep…

Boost Your Melatonin

Melatonin is the hormone that is responsible for setting our body’s circadian rhythm meaning our sleep-wake cycle, and begins pumping around 9:00 PM and then drops to minimal levels by 9:00 A.M.

The best way to naturally boost it is to get exposure to bright sunshine, especially in the late morning which help your circadian sleep-wake cycle (if you’re able, full spectrum fluorescent bulbs in the winter).

Oats, bananas, tart cherries, walnuts, pineapple and barley, all help increase melatonin production as well.

You can also take a Melatonin supplement 60 minutes before you want to go to sleep. I also have it on hand to help me when I’m not well and I need to sleep.

Lastly, from the standpoint of Coronavirus, (as well as sepsis, influenza, and these type of viruses) melatonin plays an important role in your immune function and has an antibacterial effect. In fact, research coming out of China have suggested that this is one of the reasons that COVID-19 seems, to on the whole, not to effect children, because youngsters have the highest levels of melatonin.

Check Your Deep (And Perhaps Hidden) Stressors

Occasional sleeplessness, and particularly insomnia, are most often caused by anxiety, stress and burnout. Of course it makes sense that when we’re going through a pandemic you’re going to feel stressed, we’ll look at that further down the post, but I’m also talking negative stress is coming from your relationships, work, money, health, or from events or traumas from your past that have you caught in a stress loop, zapping your energy and keeping you stuck.

21 Day Stress Cleanse Calendar - Isabelle McKenzie.png

This is why identifying all your stressors in your life, particularly unhealthy lifestyle patterns and behaviors, and then focusing on shedding your mind of conscious and sub-conscious negative habits, attitudes and patterns triggering it, is such a huge part of The Stress Reset Course© because it’s SO IMPORTANT for clearing them for good.    

To help you in the short term you can nab my free 21 day stress cleanse calendar to get you started (plus give you something to focus and do through this self-isolation/quarantine phase and COVID-19 😊).


Remember, stress management and self-care is NOT a luxury, it’s a necessity. Period.

For other powerful backup strategies to help you get to sleep hop on over to my post 12 Simple Tips for Better Sleep, which shares the really helpful "4-7-8" Breathing Method as well.

So I know that I’ve already detailed above the literally, life-saving benefits of Vitamin D in fighting COVID-19, as well as other numerous powerful benefits, but I wanted to repeat that message here again in relation to activity.

I’ve grown up here in Florida, USA, to I’ve had the privilege of year round sun, so when the scientists advise getting out in the sun for 15 minutes a day (remember: without any sunscreens) especially during this pandemic I can step out of my front door, and stand on the door step and do it.

But for those of you who don’t have any sort of outdoor space that won’t contravene the quarantine, who are in an apartment block, or it’s cold and cloudy, make a point to open a window and stand by it.

Research shows that just by doing this action it will improve your sense of well-being and mood.

Okay so let’s talk about a lot of peoples least favorite topic - activity!

Keep squarely, front and center the reason you’re reading this blog post is to learn, or tweak, the lifestyle habits that will build you a stronger immune system, not only to help you battle successfully against COVID-19, but against all viruses and diseases.

Activity can’t be underestimated in its importance in helping you with this, no matter what age you are. In a study of very active cyclists aged between 55-79, their immune function was comparable to young adults in their 20s!

So if you can get out and go for a walk (or a run) where you will avoid socializing, make a point to do. The benefits of walking can’t be overestimated. I literally try to take a walk every day because it profoundly helps my mindset, and was an important pillar of getting over my stress and anxiety that I suffered with.

I’m always really careful about talking about ‘exercise’, which is why I replace it with the world ‘activity’ because I had a really tumultuous, and at some points, destructive relationship with it which ended in a very serious injury.

The point is, that however you feel about yourself, and however you feel about activity, you don’t need to be a fitness star, and just because you can’t go to gym, doesn't mean you can’t move.

Simply being active keep your body functioning well, since it reduces inflammation and supports infection-fighting cells, and it lifts your mood.

What I learnt about the commitment to activity for health, was that it was a commitment to my happiness and mind, that was meant to be joyful, not something to beat yourself up with, to punish yourself and judge yourself with.

Just turn on the music and dance, grab you co-isolation buddies or family and hit YouTube pick out an activity, a dance-off, or learn a new skill, like belly dancing, yoga - I personally having been hitting HASfit Youtube channel because they have such a huge selection of things to do any they come across and down to earth, nice people. I also do Bikram in front of the TV without the heat. My two favorites are Dr Espen Hjalmby 60 min Hot Yoga Class + Guided Meditation, and then 30 Minute Hot 26 Yoga Class - Hot Yoga Asheville for a great overall stretch.

My one message of caution is to not over do your activity because it will have the reverse effect and lower your immunity by causing too much stress on your adrenal glands. There’s a pandemic going on! Do something that makes you happy!

I’m hoping by now that I have opened your eyes as to the critical importance of what you eat, your nutrition, or lack of, in the influence and response COVID-19 will have on your body.

In other words, it’s difficult to overstate how important nutrition is in promoting a healthy immune system.

I know that we’ve walked through a substantial list of nutritional advice above, but I want to emphasis here, that both, as a sugar balance expert, and someone who has had chronic health issues from poor diet choices and sugar addiction, I can definitely tell you this:

It’s critical to reduce, and preferably stop eating all ultra-manufactured, ultra-processed foods, and sugary, starchy food and drinks during this pandemic.

The fact is that no matter where you turn-- from the TV, to your favorite magazine, to browsing online, to the latest diet information and advisory, everyone is talking about the dangers of refined and added sugars and they are ALL UNITED in pushing for the reduction or elimination of it from our diets.

ALL doctors, nutritionists, and scientists agree that added sugars aren't a necessary nutrient in your diet, and they can cause serious harm if eaten in large amounts on a regular basis.

Even in small amounts they suppress immunity and worsens viral infections. If you struggle with being unable to resist these foods (especially junk and sugar) and suffer from intense sugar [and or junk food] cravings then I can relate because I’ve been there myself and I’ve seen this struggle again and again, and I’ve helped people just like you and I who were experiencing the same things, that’s exactly why I created my Break My Sugar Addiction Program©.

Just like in Break My Sugar Addiction, the key is a three-fold approach:

  1. Transform and reset your mindset from negative enabling sugar + junk addictive habits to positive junk and sugar-free habits and behavior.

  2. Create an environment for your everyday junk and sugar addiction-free success, made simple and sustainable.

  3. Tweak your food and beverage choices to sever your junk and sugar addiction without it becoming overwhelming, so that instead it becomes second nature to you to live your daily life this way.

While you’re waiting out the Coronavirus ‘storm’ at home self-isolating, then it’s the perfect time to start with those little steps and tweaks in your diet and lifestyle that will produce big results.

To help get you started you can follow along and be guided by my free Sugar Balance Starter Kit, or head over to the healthy sugar free recipes section on my blog to explore some tasty foods to sooth your soul and pair up with a good Netflix movie!

Lastly, be super vigilant of emotional eating…  you know that deep down feeling- that yearning, that need, NO actually- the sheer necessity-- for a large bowl of gooey, yummy, filling macaroni and cheese, followed by a huge bowl of comforting ice cream, to heal the wounds of a long, hard, stressful day. Literally nothing else will do. Period.

That my friend is eating out of stress… otherwise known as: stress eating, or emotional eating.

And… sadly, a STRESSFUL CRISIS spawns unintended stress eating like no-other… roll out the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s an emotional eating disaster on steroids waiting to happen.

Fears about COVID-19 can take a serious emotional toll: feelings of powerlessness, profound gut-wrenching anxiousness, which in turn play havoc on our normal daily habits and behavior, especially those that are good for us.  

It’s really important my friend not self-medicate with food (or alcohol for that matter as it suppress immunity and depletes key nutrients) and turn to friend or hobby for comfort instead because it will only crash your immune system when you need it most.

As I shared further up the beginning of this post, poor eating habits and choices lead to horrible conditions like pre-diabetes (metabolic syndrome) type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, gout, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hypertension, obesity, kidney disease, and cancer, which in turn are the very fuel for extreme COVID-19 symptoms, and the single biggest factor leading to death from the virus.

Hop over to my blog post on How to Stop Emotional Eating During the COVID-19 Pandemic, if you need help, steps and a process for yourself or someone you care about.

It’s crazy how often a crisis reveals an underlying, long term issue of stress, anxiety and burnout-- I go through the actual step-by-step process to neutralize these negative emotions and create new healthy stress-free mindsets and habits to become your new normal, and your new everyday baseline mood in the Stress Reset Course© because YES it really matters – don’t settle.

So we’ve just been looking at self-medicating and its relation to stress. And of course the stress is real right now, this is a time of crisis and like I've mentioned many things are outside of our control: How long will the pandemic last, how long will the need for self-isolation last, how will other people behave, where can I find food and toiletries, when can I go back to my normal routine and what’s going to happen?

These are all questions that many of us are constantly replaying over and over in our minds, and this lack of control, uncertainty and volatility is tough and extremely STRESSFUL for us all, so much so, that even the Center For Disease Control and Prevention had addressed it.

Added to that, you have the human emotions of loneliness, fear and grief that you either experience firsthand, or see through social media and the news.

But here’s the thing: negative stress is not good for you, and prolonged stress even worse. Why? Because it corrupts and breaks down our immune system and causes severe inflammation in the body, the very immune system we need to both shield us, and fight-off for us the coronavirus. 

Tackling our anxiety and stress, and building our mental resilience, is another critical arm in our defense process, which I know is hard because, as we’ve already explored in this post, our natural reaction tends to lean towards behaviours that harm us (think: too much booze, junk food or binging on bad news) rather than bolster and help us, and especially help our body’s health and immunity.  

Instead then let’s look at some tools for releasing anxiety and promoting feeling calm.

3 Positive + Healthy Ways To Tackle Stress and Anxiety To Feel Better Fast

Simply ‘Play’

No matter what age you are you should never forget the power of just ‘being’, not rehashing the past, not obsessing about the later, but simply being present in the moment- and there’s no better way to do that the reconnect with your inner child.

Dust of your board games, press play on the music and dance, play with your family, flat mates, or your pet. Cook with your friends or family via Zoom, or pick a Netflix show that you can binge with chosen peeps via an app like Houseparty.

This is the time for you to real bond and unshackle yourself from judgments (like: I feel childish!) and find joy and appreciation in the simplest but deepest of moments that have always been there for you.


On my journey to deal with my own stress I reluctantly began meditating, honestly, I was a bit skeptical but I stuck to it and now I wondered how I ever got through life without it. Meditation is a great technique to help you find safety and calm within, and again has been shown to reduce the number of severe acute respiratory illnesses than those that didn’t.

There are apps like Oak, Calm, or Headspace to follow along with, or you can download and listen to my FREE Guided Let Go Of The “What Ifs” + Stress Relief Meditation right now to feel the calm and get started.

I also find really supportive and helpful to listen to a Simply Hypnotic track, especially when I’m stressed and tired, because I always finish them feeling like I’ve had a mental cleanse. My two go-tos are the 30 minute Music For Relaxation and then the 15 minute Expand Your Consciousness track.

Get Moving

I’ve already covered the benefits of activity to boost your both your mood and your immunity, anything that takes you out of your head for a while will work miracles for anxiety and stress management. 

If you’re looking for support for your mental and physical well-being during this crisis and beyond in the healthiest and most positive way possible then I hope that you come and explore the Sugar Balance + Wellness Circle focused uniquely on sugar and junk food challenged mind, body, health, stress care and wellness needs, delivering exactly what is essential that actually fit your unique personality and strengths to empower you to take charge of your life to become and feel your best self.

It is vitally important to stay informed. Particularly listening to news in your community is crucial. Because that way you can follow locally advised safety precautions and do your part to slow the spread of coronavirus.

But stick to ONLY trustworthy sources like the CDC, the World Health Organization, and your local government and health authorities, because there is a ton of misinformation going around, along with coverage which only feeds into fear especially on social media platforms and media outlets.

Plus, although it is important to check updates, do still limit how often you check for updates. Because, compulsive checking, can easily become counterproductive and start fueling your anxiety and stress levels rather than easing it, and we want to stay as positive, and calm as we can to protect wellness.

People with coronavirus especially those who are younger and seemingly healthy people who don’t seemly have symptoms can still spread the virus, and these asymptomatic carriers may be responsible for nearly 80% of all new cases. That’s why the biggest thing that we can do for not just ourselves but others to make a positive difference is to practice social distancing.

But as you may or may not know social distancing can come with its own risks, especially if you live mostly by yourself, because humans are naturally social animals. Hardwired to find connection, and isolation can lead to loneliness which can exacerbate or cause anxiety and depression, and impact our physical health.

While you’re hunkered down at home, don’t cut yourself off from the world, it’s still important to stay connected as best we can and reach out for support when we need it, even as we cut back on in-person socializing, you can still distantly socialize, by taking advantage of the tech we have access today, like video chat, text, phone class and emails.

Social media can also be a powerful tool in not only connecting with friends, and family but for feeling a connection with the world, in remembering you’re all in this together. Just be careful to stay mindful of how social media is making you feel and muting keywords or even people who are causing you stress and anxiety.

How To Focus On Wellness & Cope with Stress and Fear While Navigating Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you need a friend, you can always rely on me!

I'm always going live on Instagram, Facebook and especially my Facebook group to support our community. If you need a supportive virtual hand, feel free come and hang with me over at @itsisabellem or on my Facebook Page.

In a time where you can easily get caught up in your own fears and an overnight economy halt hitting many people and small businesses all round are feeling the hurt, and amid the stories of people fighting over toilet paper, it’s of the upmost importance to breath, step back and remember that we’re all in this together.

Helping others will note only impact your community and even the wide world, but also support your own mental health and stress levels. Doing kind work will give you a sense of empowerment, connection, as well as adding meaning to lack of control.

Even with the self-isolating or social distance, there is still plenty of kind work to be done, including:

  • Reach out those who are isolated particularly elderly or disabled and offer support. Pick up groceries, prescriptions or perhaps send them a note of support?

  • Donate to local food banks. Hoarding and buying spurred on by panic have drastically reduced supplies to food banks Help low-income families, by donating food or cash.

I know how scary these times must be for you-- these are extraordinarily trying times, but I know with the power of community, hope, our inner connection and taking the best steps possible we can get through this crisis with compassion, strength and support.

Applying methods such as eating healthy eating, reducing smoking, alcohol, processed foods and sugar, getting plenty of powerful sleep, meditating and the other steps in this article, may help in decreasing or healing the symptoms of COVID-19, reducing stress and anxiousness cause from this virus, help you support and protect others and help guide you through unique disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis.

Even if you’re stuck at home, try to stick to a routine, in which will help you maintain a sense of normalcy, and remember to take time out for activities and, if possible get plenty of sunshine and fresh air. Of course, be sure keep your distance from people, and listen to restrictions in your area.

Now, most importantly remember to be kind to yourself, and remember you’re not alone in your struggles. After all we’re not meant to do wellness (or illness) alone.

And now, before you go, I want to let you know that, to help you guy get through this stress in the easiest way and possible without sacrificing your health I've gathered some support for you. Firstly like I mentioned grab your FREE coronavirus mediation a Guided Let Go Of The “What Ifs” + Stress Relief Meditation you can listen to free here, and a FREE Health + Wellness Coronavirus Shopping List, that’ll help you stay full of nutrition, keep up or start your wellness and sugar balance during this crisis.

It’s your turn!

What are you doing to take care of yourself and stay connected right now?

Let’s share ideas and support each other in the comments or on Instagram @itsisabellem using #SugarWithIsabelle!

That’s it from me, 👋

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